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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

What's my WHY

Here I am, looking as though I'm pretty good at what I'm doing, enjoying what I do but yet I'm struggling to find the WHY in my life.

At age 24, I still wonder why did I wake up for, why do I take up certain roles, why this and why that but never the WHY that makes me want to wake up the next morning ans say " Here's my best day in my life yet, I am performing the best that I can and I will become better after today."

Instead, I spent late nights like this asking myself WHY to my insecurities towards my looks, my life, my career and mainly how people look at me and the list never stops.

I clearly knew what's right from what's wrong. I know the actions to be done yet the monster is still being able to take over.

Dear Universe, will you tell the WHY to live?


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