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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

HOW TO : Japanese mille crepe recipe

I lied. okay I half lied.

Fact one is I cannot cook .
Fact two is only think I can make is a crepe cake.

There was once a period of time I KEEP making crepe cake, like as though I was possessed  by crepe cakes or some sort. But of course I improve my recipe each time and now my recipe is kinda fixed already so I'm sharing it  (!)

Anyway making a crepe cake for an enjoyable thing !
It is less mainstream and it is hassle free. Not to mention lesser things to prepare as well.

My kitchen is quite pathetic. I do not have a non sticky pan at home. My oven can't even on.
The last time my mum tried to on it, the house had a power trap. FML

Butttttttt, my love for supermarkets saved me, months ago I found this ready made crepes !
I bought and left it in my fridge for a dam long time before I could eat it.
And then I came across Japanese mille crepe

Photo credits to camemberu

So I used the ready made crepes to start making my crepe cake.
At first I used nutella, turned out to be a disaster.
My friend thought I gave him a cookie. -.-

I couldn't find a easy to make cream recipe , I decided to use custard cream instead.
& Actually... I'm been hiding this recipe for a super long time.

There's my cheat one crepe recipe in 3 steps.
1. Buy ingredients
2. make the custard cream
3. Pile the crepes

Why bother to torture yourself making crepes when you can buy ready made ones.
Save so much time and effort ! I've gotten master chef crepe, from FairPrice.

 Make the custard cream

  1. 3 egg yolks
  2. 70g sugar 
  3. 250ml milk 
  4. 20g flour 
  5. few drops of vanilla essense

I follow the instructions in the video except that I cook it over small fire ( is that what you call it ?) and keep stirring it. Works well.

Reason why I did that is
1. wash lesser items
2. better control of the cream
3. more smooth texture

You can go try both and you will understand.

Pile the crepes

I guess this is the most boring part but I like it the most. Ya la I'm boring la.
What you do is put a piece of crepe and layer it with custard cream then put another piece of crepe on top. Repeat step.
What I do is I watch tv and sit down while piling them up !

My humble end product

Okay , it didn't look very pleasant looking but I brought it to the #cnos2 picnic and received compliments !
Noelle even ask me if I'm willing to take in orders. If she really does, or anyone else wants to order, I might kick start this as a career. I'm kidding.

It's really easy to make one for fun or gathering or anything you like , hope you enjoyed this entry. x

p/s : I kinda like made up this recipe myself , so let me know if you really like it or you wanna share the recipe anywhere else :)

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