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Thursday, January 15, 2015

#migupPenang : Monkey Beach

Welcome to my private beach! 

Kidding guys. I wish. wtf. But it was indeed my first impression when I first saw the beach. So little people I could really called it mine. Anyway, welcome to another ep of #migupPenang, I took so long to finish the #migupPenang Travel log my colleague has been complaining, " you not paiseh ah, so long already still haven finish your Penang trip." Little did she know, most of my personal travellogs are not up yet wtf.

Okay come back. 

Thanks Renee for the shot!

Thanks Hazel for the shot!

I don't know what's this but I could it was pretty cool !

Group pic with our lovely guide, Ellora at the back!

Also tried out some fun shots before we head back.

And a sandfie shot that was inspired by a picture Wendy stumbled upon.

How can we miss out jump shots when we were at the beach ?

 Tried out a jump shot with Renee !

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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The December Getaway - Club Med Bintan Resort.

The December Getaway was a 2D1N short trip to the Bintan Island with my colleagues.
It was a company retreat (at my day job) and we were hosted by ClubMed !

 p/s: Pardon my bare faces!
The genius me did not bring my make up stuff here. I mean like we are hitting the beach.

Day One

 Before the trip, I've read up so to know what I should expect and to keep myself prepared for the trip to avoid any sort of awkwardness. It was mixed reviews, unfortunately more to the negative side. Now that I'm back, actually it was quite okay what! To be honest, I never thought that I would ever go to any of the Club Med resorts, one great factor would be the price. With the amount of money for that one night stay in ClubMed Bintan, I could pay for 2x Bangkok Hotel+ Air or 1 x HongKong Hotel + Air, 4 day 3 nights for both countries perhaps.

Fishball crackers . I can have the whole packet and play with it the whole day. #nevergrowup

Well, this is how the resort look like. & my colleagues' back view as we walk back to our rooms.

belief. UV Protector daily sunscreen gel to keep my face away from the sun. 

I brought the sample set that was it my BlackBox (thank you <3) but I only tried the sunscreen. 
The other times I just turned to my Bio-Oil. Not much pictures but the sunscreen was pretty good. 
It kept my face moisturized and protected from the scorching hot sun. :)

Got changed and off to the beach !

Pretty huh.

The beach was (in my opinion) well-maintained. Trash was washed up from the beach and I felt that was quite saddening. Humans sigh humans.

Okay, maybe it looked better in pictures. 
The white sand was soft and fine, very far apart from what we have in Sentosa or East Coast Park.

At Club Med, activities were well planned for their guests.
It is just up to individual to join a certain activity at the allocated timing.
Apparently , they do not have 2 activities going at one go which I felt that it is actually really hopeful. Guests would not have to choose between the two choices, either you rest by yourself or you join the activity planned. #simple

Here are some of the facilitates.

You never have to worry about meals.
Our meals were well taken care by the WaterFall Restuarant , pictures later.
But if you miss your breakfast/lunch, food or should I say light snacks are provided at the bar(s)

This was the spread of snacks we had when we arrived.
We reached the resort about 10 plus but moving to our rooms (yup some rooms were ready for us before check in time) and a little bit of exploring would bring us to about 12 pm.

This means we had missed the breakfast slot and too early for the lunch spread at the restaurant.
Light snacks by the bar
Drinks menu

If you are like us, freaking alcoholics. The Club Med resort might be your heaven as alcoholic drinks starts to be ready for order after breakfast. Nobody has time or the tummy for soft drinks. DRINK ALL THE APPLE MARTINI!
Well for me, it is either the cocktails or plain water. 

At the waterfall restaurant, each day's a different theme. It is still an international buffet just with some special dishes to cater the theme. 

The most useless person to be seen in a buffet spread- me.

& This is dinner. Just like the lunch, it is more or less the same.
Team picture, with my superiors too.

In between lunch and dinner was some team bonding activities hosted by an external vendor. 
I would not like to talk about them as I felt that they are rather unprofessional and risk assessment was not done properly. Well, my colleagues and my superiors liked their service so so be it. :) 

After that it is free & easy time. Am I the only one that does not like to follow a plan with it comes to a vacation?!

There isn't much stuff to do later in the evening, except you drink drank drunk.

We drink, drank, club and went back to sleep.
Eh not bad hor, the in house club provides like what, free shots?

We also mingled with the GO, in fact that was their main job scope.
They also partied with us, like drink and dance and party with us. WTF WTF.

Day Two

Well, I guess nobody really sleeps with you are in ClubMed. Woke up for the breakfast buffet at 9am. 
Le BFF at work and I and my superiors next door were supposed to wake up for breakfast at 8.30am but our wifi not working so... 9am it shall be. 

I saw this similar picture in Pinterest and now I was here before. 
Truly grateful for the opportunity.

After the breakfast was supposed to be massage time, but gave it a miss as it was not advisable to do a massage after a meal. We made it up with a good stroll at the beach and some great pictures. Here is one :)

Back in Singapore and a nice dinner with my colleagues at the Nex Mall.

My say

Surprisingly, I liked it. I also liked the fact that I did not have to pay a cent and I like almost everything there. Food and drinks( including alcoholic drinks) are on free flow throughout the day. Activities were packed to the beam for their guest(s). Facilities are well maintained. Excellent service by the GO ( gentle organizers, that's was what they called the staff here). The last thing I liked about the resort is the Wifi. The connection was so horrible that my colleague and I had no reception in our room, and poor connection in the main lobby as well. I guess if you want to make Singaporeans' money you really have to make sure your wifi connection is amazingly good.

However, I felt that December is not the best month for resorts holiday like this one. Club Med offers snorkelling, kayaking activities which I was looking forward to but was cancelled due to the monsoon season. I'm not the sporty type but I miss kayaking from the OBS Days lei! :( Swimming in the sea is also not allowed. Basically no beach activities are available.

Looking forward to the next opportunity for Club Med resort stay!

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